African Animals Found in Kenya Lion

Kenya Lion Maasai MaraAs the largest of Africa's big cats, the lion is highly regarded by man. Its massive size, majestic walk, power and hunting prowess make it very fascinating to watch.
It's no wonder that the lion draws so many people to Kenya. Lions are ferocious hunters, but are not normally dangerous to man unless they are wounded or cornered.
Unlike the other big cats, lions are social animals, living in prides of 20-30 members. Each pride may have one to three males. You are guaranteed to see Kenyan lions on a Kenya safari tour to the Masai Mara National Reserve.


The African elephant is the world's largest land mammal. Due to its gigantic stature, the elephant has no predators apart from men who hunt it for its tusks. However, elephant hunting and ivory trade are prohibited in Kenya. Elephant in Kenya
Elephants have a sharp sense of smell and are highly intelligent. They are reputed to be the only animals that recognize one another, even after death. Kenya wildlife is scattered in various wildlife parks throughout the country. Amboseli National Park is home to the most elephants and, as such, is the best place to see them.
The elephants in Tsavo National Park have a distinct reddish-brown color that they obtain from the red volcanic soil in Tsavo. Elephants in other parks are grayish in color.


The buffalo is a huge, bad-tempered African animal that is almost black in color.
Kenya Buffalo. Their huge, up-curving horns with bases that meet across the forehead give buffalo a very dangerous look.
Buffalo live in herds of several hundred led by one dominant bull. Old, defeated buffalo bulls are the most dangerous. They either live alone or with other bulls and often lie in wait to ambush people.
To enjoy a view of the buffalo and other Kenya animals, go on an African safari tour to the Masai Mara. The Masai Mara is home to the largest buffalo herds.


There are two species of rhinoceros found in Kenya: white and black rhinos. Both are endangered species. African Safari Animal White Rhino The white rhino derives its name from the Dutch word Weid meaning broad.
White rhinos have a broad, wide mouth adapted for grazing. They often hang out in large groups.
The biggest white rhino population in Kenya is found in Lake Nakuru National Park. The black rhino has a pointed upper lip adapted for browsing. It feeds on dry bush and thorny scrub, especially acacia.
Black rhinos have a sharp sense of smell and hearing but very poor eyesight. They lead a solitary life and are the more dangerous of the two species. Masai Mara National Reserve has the largest population of black rhinos, along with many other Kenya animals.


Dubbed the "Silent Hunter", the leopard is a very elusive animal with a gorgeous skin. African Safari animals - Leopard
It is nocturnal, hunting at night and spending its day resting in trees. The leopard lives a solitary life except during the mating season.
Leopards hunt on the ground but take their "kill" up into the trees, out of the reach of scavengers such as hyenas.