Insuring the Future of the Snow Leopard

In the trackless wilds of the Himalaya, an ecologist is using insurance to save one of the world’s most threatened animals from extinction.

Shepherds in the Himalayan Mountains of Baltistan, in northern Pakistan, have long hated the snow leopard. Half the Balti economy comes from domesticated goats that are preyed upon by the snow leopard, largely because its traditional wild food – the ibex and markhor –have been hunted to near extinction. So local herders do not hesitate to kill the snow leopard, which is also threatened by the illegal trade in its highly-prized pelt.
Project Snow Leopard
Yale University researcher Shafqat Hussain, who originally trained as an economist, created Project Snow Leopard (PSL) in 1998 to save the snow leopard in Baltistan. This non-profit conservation programme combines ecotourism and low-cost insurance, protecting herders against attacks by the leopards on their livestock. The plan is helping local people realize that one cat alive in the surrounding bush is worth more to them than several killed for the fur trade. Hussain has been made an Associate Laureate in the Rolex Awards for Enterprise for his plan.

Hussain, who describes the snow leopard as ‘a marvel of nature’s perfection’, explains that, sitting at the top of the food chain, this animal plays a key role in maintaining the mountain ecosystem. Dr Ma Ming, of the Snow Leopard Trust in Xinjiang, China, calls it an ‘umbrella species’: protecting it ensures its habitat and many other local species are also preserved.

High Altitude
Wonderfully adapted for the extreme weather and rocky terrain, the snow leopard roams wild at altitudes up to 5,500 metres in the Himalayan peaks. Furry feet help it stay on top of the snow by acting as natural snowshoes. This rare creature hunts alone for wild and domesticated goats and other prey, which it pounces upon from up to 15 metres away. With a total population estimated at between 4,000 and 7,000 scattered across the Himalayas, including fewer than 150 in Baltistan, the snow leopard is listed as ‘endangered’ on the IUCN (the World Conservation Union) Red List of Threatened Animals.
This elusive relative of the tiger and more familiar African leopard is one of the least photographed, but most photogenic of big cats, with its metre-long tail and handsome dappled coat.

Snow Leopard Insurance
The insurance scheme set up by Hussain compensates villagers for every goat killed by the predators, which effectively deters the villagers from killing the offending cat or any other suspect. The annual premium paid is one per cent of the value of one goat, with each herder paying according to the number of goats he owns. This covers about half of all claims. The other half comes from Full Moon Night Trekking, the ecotourism agency Hussain founded, which advertises the snow leopard as its chief attraction.

Tourism To Help Save The Leopard
‘People who find pleasure in the idea of the snow leopard surviving in the wild should be willing to pay for this pleasure, and this payment helps offset the losses to farmers for having the cat around,’ he says. To succeed, both complementary programmes must be profitable, another reason for locals to protect the animal at the heart of the project. A key aspect of the scheme’s success is the fact that local people participate at every level. Village committees collect premiums, pay claims and act as the scheme’s financial watchdog. Villagers control the income from Full Moon, using surplus profits for community projects, like making wells for drinking water. Full Moon also employs two villagers as guides.
Until recently Project Snow Leopard covered a relatively small area of 170 square kilometres embracing the environs of the village of Skoyo, which has 260 inhabitants, and other nearby settlements. With support from his Rolex Award, Hussain is now extending his project to more Balti villages near Skoyo and K2, the world’s second highest mountain. He also hopes to attract more ecotourists, many of whom are staying away because of the 2005 earthquake and bad publicity about Pakistan in the wake of 9/11. Hussain points out that Baltistan is very much associated with adventure tourism, but he wants it to be known for ecotourism. ‘Things can change and other trekking companies now mention wildlife in their brochures because Full Moon started to do it,’ he says. ‘In Nepal (also home to snow leopards), they have about 200,000 visitors per year; here in Baltistan, we only have about 5,000.’

An Interview with Shafqat Hussain

  • Why is the snow leopard’s survival important in Pakistan?- As the top predator in the world’s highest mountains, the snow leopard is a marvel of natural perfection. Sitting atop the food chain, it plays a key role in maintaining the mountain ecosystem.
  • How will the recognition and funding from Rolex help your project?- First of all, the funds will help us expand the project into other areas where there is conflict between snow leopards and humans. Secondly, the Award will give our project legitimacy and credibility that will help us attract more money and tourists.
  • How have various government agencies reacted to your programmes?- Governments at all levels have appreciated our project, mainly because it addresses an issue that they should address, but can’t because of lack of funds. For example, the national government is encouraging other tour operating companies to follow our lead.
  • What about snow leopards in Tibet, India, China and other adjoining areas? - I am only one of many who are trying to make a difference. There are other very talented and dedicated people who are doing a wonderful job for the cat in their countries. We are constantly learning from one another. For example, insurance schemes along similar patterns to ours have started in India and Nepal.
  • How many of these animals do you think are left now? - I have no personal estimate, and there are no definitive data, but I guess there are between 300 and 400 in Pakistan, and some 4,000 to 7,000 around the world – that’s what the International Snow Leopard Trust reports.